Our Training

Paid Comprehensive Training

Opal Services provides comprehensive training. This starts with our New Employee Orientation. Individual training sessions allow employees of all skill levels and backgrounds to train at their own pace and ask questions throughout the process. This thorough training includes a comprehensive review of:

  • The Vulnerable Adult Law
  • Confidentiality
  • Defensive Driving
  • Back Safety
  • Opal-Specific Policies

Once these core areas are covered, you will go to the facility for the next phase of the orientation process.

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On-Site Training

At the facility, you will have an opportunity to become more familiar with the people you will be serving. The on-site training includes:

  • A review of each service recipient’s service plans
  • Outcomes
  • Dietary details
  • Financial procedures
  • Facility guidelines
  • Documentation procedures
  • Emergency protocols

During this phase of training, you will get a chance to observe and participate in the implementation of individual service recipients’ outcomes, community outings and household tasks.

The final phase of the orientation process consists of larger class-style training. Opal provides:

  • CPR & First Aid Training
  • Harassment & Diversity Training
  • Crisis Intervention Training
  • Medication Administration Training (requirement to pass medication at an Opal facility)

On-going Training

To further our commitment to having well-trained employees on staff, Opal provides ongoing training annually. Our training topics include:

  • Interactive Vulnerable Adult training
  • Seasonal safety topics
  • Staff meetings
  • A variety of nutrition and health-related topics

Our trainers create a positive learning experience and pride themselves on their knowledge of the training topics they cover. We believe that learning is a continuous process and understand the importance of a quality training experience.

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